A communication from soul to soul
What determines the quality of our personal relationships?
In my humble opinion, one of the first factors is our state of mind towards relationships. Indeed, there are many ways of looking at and changing relationships in your life. If you take a certain view of a given relationship, you will find it difficult to live with. But let’s change our mindset about that same relationship, and we will find ourselves in a healthy relationship.
That’s where aligned writing comes in, a writing technique that allows you to create or re-create links or cut toxic links. It is guilt-free writing because it is a dialogue from soul to soul.
Aligned writing helps to build confidence in a clear and subtle way. In oral communication, speech can be selective, interrupted or distorted. However, with the technique of aligned writing, the person with whom one wishes to communicate is alone in front of a letter and can read and reread it until he or she grasps the deeper message.
Moreover, in this letter, the discourse is positive, aligned and spiritual, which will increase your self-confidence and receptivity to the other. Daring to write and send the letter allows us to fully embody its masculine aspect (often blocked by fears) because we dare to express who we really are.
The positive contributions of aligned writing
- Cutting off energy links from toxic and/or outdated relationships
- Saying things with calm and serenity
- Establishing a soul to soul dialogue
- Knowing how to speak about yourself in a clear and positive way
- Do not position yourself or the other as executioner or victim.
- Writing with a good male/female balance
- Getting from the other what you want, with a smile thanks to the expression of your inner child.
Indeed, in a variety of situations we can use this type of communication: you will be surprised to see that this soft-powerful approach works in the most unlikely situations.
This individual tool, like the family constellation, is effective. Writing is very powerful in terms of integration, far beyond verbal communication.
This therapy can be carried out online or in person, depending on your availability.