Code of Ethics

Quel est le code de déontologie du thérapeute holistique parisien Romain Salomon ?

The ethics of the life coach of the Art of Living of the Unified Being

The proper exercise of the magnetizer’s function requires the observance of a certain number of rules that ensure the respect of irreproachable ethics.

On the subject of energetic care, as a coach in the art of living of the unified being, I respect an ethical code to develop the body’s self-healing capacities and the person’s autonomy towards them.

I respect confidentiality, discretion and will not harm anyone under any circumstances. 

Holistic therapy and medical advice

Cancellation of medical opinions

I don’t make any medical diagnosis, I don’t make prescriptions, I don’t forbid ongoing medical treatment and I never object to a prescribed hospital operation: I am not a medical doctor. The person consulted undertakes to continue to stay in contact with a health professional.

The substitution of medical acts

The energetic treatments and other techniques that I use (family constellation, waking dream, conscious breathing, spiritual care with beeswax, shamanic drum and intuitive chanting, olfactory path, sound massage, aligned writing) are not medical acts and cannot replace them. They can only be done with the prior agreement of the consultant because his or her well-being is my priority. 

Holistic therapy, religion, sects and miracles

The energy coach does not claim any religion or sect and does not make any promises of miraculous healing. I show kindness and honesty by adopting an attitude of neutrality in all respects.  

My accompaniment is constantly enriched by new training, experiences, lectures, meetings, readings and other life experiences. For several years now I have been continuing my evolution towards greater awareness.

Responsibility of the consultee

Session cancellation

The consultee acknowledges having read my deontology, as well as my rates. Sessions are not refundable in case of cancellation, unless motivated 48 hours before the session.  

An accompaniment applied by myself

Every day I practice what I want to pass on to you in particular in meditation, relaxation and yoga. It is also in this way that I maintain my vital energy to accompany you towards an energetic transmission during your sessions.

Communication and hygiene

In my communication, I use a communication of listening, presence and conscious benevolence. 

The welcome and hygiene in my workplace are essential for the people I consult.    


Any person under the age of 18 must always be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult during the session.